Acronym: PoweR-LIBS
Program: Operational Programme: "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation"
Funding: 100% National Co-financing
Delegate Organization: Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser
Partners: Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser
Raymetrics Α.Ε.
Lamda Technology ΕΠΕ
Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator
Hellenic Mediterranean University
Project period: Wednesday, September 29, 2021 to Sunday, January 28, 2024

Project PoweR-LIBS is a collaborative effort among HEDNO (the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator) three research organizations (FORTH, Hellenic Mediterranean University and University of Patras) and two companies (Raymetrics, LamadaTech) with the aim to upgrade monitoring procedures over the overhead power line distribution network. The proposed research focuses on the development of innovative tools suitable for the remote monitoring of composite insulators on high voltage power lines, combining cutting edge technologies related to the study of composite materials used in energy applications, optics and lasers for remote sensing, machine learning methods for data processing and analysis and robotics.