Dimitrios Antonellis

Member Affiliation:  Undergraduate Student at CEID
E-Mail (Public):  antonel@ceid.upatras.gr
Address:  Building B, University of Patras, University Campus GR26500
Phone:  +30 2610 996954

Short CV: Dimitrios Antonellis was born in Patras, Greece in 1985. He graduated from Experimental High School of Patras with “Excellence of performance” during all of his school-years. While he was in High school, he was honored by the Hellenic Mathematical Union for his performance in local contests [2000, 2001]. He entered Computer Engineering and Informatics Department at University of Patras, Greece, in 2002 [9th among 230 participants] and he is now in the 5th year of his studies. He is a scholar of the Zosima Scholarship Foundation for his excellence performance in his undergraduate studies. From July 2005, he is a member of the Research Unit 6 [RU6] of Research Academic Computer Technology Institute [RACTI]. Currently, he is involved in the project “Technical Consultant for the Design and Implementation of Wireless Municipal Networks.” His research interests include Design and Analysis of Algorithms in Networks with emphasis on Sensor Networks, Mobile and Wireless Ad-hoc Networks and Mobile Telecommunications Networks. He has published 1 paper in journal and 6 papers in international conferences.