Dimitris Primpas

Member Affiliation: Computer and Informatics Engineer
E-Mail (Public): primpas@cti.gr
Address: Building B, University of Patras, University Campus GR26500
Phone: +30 2610 960316, +30 2610 996953

Short CV: Dimitris Primpas was born in Sparti, Greece in 1980. He obtained his diploma from Computer Engineering and Informatics Department of the Polytechnic School of the University of Patras on November 2002. Next, he was accepted in the postgraduate program “Computer Science and technology” in the same department and on April 2004 he obtained his Master Degree. Now he continues the postgraduate studies in the same department to receive PhD. He works in the Research Unit 6 of Research Academic Computer Technology Institute and on Telematics, Distributed Systems and Basic Services Laboratory of the Computer Engineering & Informatics Department, in Patras University. His interests include: networks, protocols, Quality of Service, Managed bandwidth services and Network applications. He had worked on GRNET- IP-MBS 6NET (LARGE-SCALE INTERNATIONAL IPv6 TESTBED – IST-2001-32603), ASP-NG (ASP-New Game – IST-2001-35354), Study of usage and impact of GRNET-2?s network projects and currently works on Advanced Services GRNET ??/VNOC 2, GN-2, and Technical Consultant of BroadBand Networks projects. He is co-author of 2 books in Greek Language and he has published more than 20 research papers in various well-known refereed conferences and 4 research papers in scientific journals.