Eleftheria Giannaka

Fullname: Eleftheria Giannaka
E-Mail (Public): giannaka@cti.gr
Address: Building B, University of Patras, University Campus GR26500
Phone: +30 2610 960380

Short CV: Eleftheria Giannaka obtained her Diploma from the Informatics Department of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki (Greece) and her Master Degree from the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department of Patras University. She is currently a Phd Candidate of the Department of Computer Engineer and Informatics of Patras University. Furthermore she is working as an R&D Computer Engineer at the Research Unit 6 of the Computer Technology Institute in Patra (Greece). Her interests include virtual reality application, performance evaluation of networked virtual systems, algorithms and techniques for performance optimization in virtual environments, design and implementation of virtual worlds, distributed systems, internet applications, database implementation and administration and programming. She was involved with the projects VirRad and Broadband in Greece: Current Situation and Prospects. Currently, she is involved in CIVRES, SIGN, INTERREG Broadband, SAPSAT and Broadband Promotion projects running by CTI.