Nikos Kanakis

Fullname: Nikos Kanakis
Member Affiliation: Computer and Informatics Engineer, PhD
E-Mail (Public):
Address: Building B, University of Patras, University Campus GR26504
Phone: +30 2610 960465

Short CV: Nikolaos Kanakis was born in Kalamata, Greece in 1985. He obtained his Diploma from the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department of Patras University, Greece in 2009. In 2011 he received his Master Degree in “Computer Science and Technology” and in 2014 he received his PhD on Reliable Multicasting over Mobile Cellular Networks from the same department. He is working in the Research Unit 6 of Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus” participating in the AutoBAHN development team. His research interests include next generation mobile telecommunications networks, multicast protocols and reliable multicasting. He has published several research papers in well-known referred international journals and conferences.