Thrasivoulos Tsiatsos

Fullname: ThrasivoulosTsiatsos
Member Affiliation: Computer and Informatics Engineer
Address: Department of Informatics of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Phone: +30 231 0 998990

Short CV:  Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos obtained his Diploma, his Master’s Degree and his PhD from the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department of Patras University (Greece). He is currently Lecturer in the Department of Informatics of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki as well as research member at the Research Unit 6 of Research Academic Computer Technology Institute. His research interests include Computer Networks, Telematics, Networked Virtual Environments, Multimedia and Hypermedia. More particular he is engaged in Distant Education with the use of Computer Networks, Real Time Protocols and Networked Virtual Environments. He has published more than 40 papers in Journals and in well-known refereed conferences and he is co-author in 2 books. He has participated in R&D projects such as OSYDD, RTS-GUNET, ODL-UP, VES, ODL-OTE, INVITE, EdComNet and VirRAD and he is currently involved in the projects SAPSAT (Vocational Education and Training program) and Promotion of Broadband in Western Region of Greece.