Vassilis Poulopoulos

Fullname: Vassilis Poulopoulos
Member Affiliation:  Computer and Informatics Engineer, MSc
E-Mail (Public):
Address: Building B, University of Patras, University Campus GR26500
Phone: +30 2610 960316

Short CV: Vassilis Poulopoulos was born in Kalamata, Greece in 1982. In 2000 he entered the Computer Science and Engineering Department of Patras University (Greece). He obtained his diploma on July 2005, his MsC degree on September 2007. and his Phd in 2010. He is a member of Research Unit 6 since December 2001. His basic fields of interest are Web Services, Web Components, Web Technologies, Web Integration, Web Content Manipulation, Text pre-processing, categorization and summarization, Web Personalization and Programming. He has expertise on issues regarding technologies and services of Web 2.0. He has extended knowledge of the following programming languages: ASP, PHP and JSP language programming, HTML programming, C, C++ and Java programming and Database Manipulation. He has participated in three projects (ASP-NG, Broadband Promotion in the Region of Western Greece, SIG-GLUE). He is currently participating in the Games@Large project running by Research Academic Computer Technology Institute (CTI), Patras, Greece.